Category: Self Love

Read these posts if you love yourself. Dive into the words and come out with pearls of self love

  • Girl, You Can Do Anything! Believe In Yourself

    Are you hesitant? Do you find yourself plagued with indecisiveness in making ‘bold’ decisions? Do you fear being judged for your actions? To some extent, all people are victims of self-doubts or insecurities at different points in their lives. But these feelings are often more amplified in women. Right from our childhood, we are conditioned by our family and society to think, feel, and behave in a certain way. Our actions are under constant scrutiny. Even today, many of us are told to be good wives, mothers, daughters, or daughter-in-law and sacrifice our dreams for the sake of male family members. Worse, some women are expected not to have any dreams at all.
    All of this means that as women, we are often shier and underconfident than our male brethren. We bottle up our thoughts and don’t speak our minds.0 We undermine our achievements and brush off compliments. Over a period, we stop believing in ourselves.
    To believe in yourself requires a holistic strategy.

    What you have in your minds is what we will achieve in your life. If you believe that you can and you can’t, you are correct in both cases! You need to have faith in your abilities and skills to achieve your ambitions. And self-belief can be practiced and developed with time. It entails falling in love with yourself, with all the experiences, personalities, and perspectives that make you unique. You are one of a kind in the world- there is no one else like you. You have an ‘unfair advantage’ over others and need to tap this to achieve success. Countless reams have been gone into the subject of overcoming shyness and gaining confidence. Here, I am putting forth some simple techniques to create ‘empowering’ beliefs that will boost your self-confidence.

    8 Ways to believe in yourself:

    Believe in yourself - Woman visualising

    1. Positive affirmation

    Look into the mirror first thing after you get up every morning and say ‘I Am the Best’ aloud. Enthusiastically, repeat this affirmation at least ten times every day until it’s ingrained into your subconsciousness. Lock yourself in the bathroom, to begin with, if you are self-conscious. The results will amaze you.

    2. Me time

    Take out the time to look your best and give yourself some space. Dress up more often, even when you are at home. Looking good will make you feel good, giving a boost to your self-confidence.

    3. Do one new thing every day

    You can start small, like going out for a ten-minute walk alone or reading the newspaper after your husband finishes it. You are gradually moving outside your comfort zone by trying a new thing every day. The change will only make you grow, and you won’t even realize when you start taking up more arduous tasks.

    4. Engage in an activity or hobby that makes you feel relaxed

    This could be anything from reading to music to gardening. Take some lessons or join some clubs. This will enlarge your social circle. Exploring things that excite you is a great antidote for shyness.

    5. Feed Your Mind with thoughts of what you want to achieve

    Surround yourself with positive thoughts as a first step to believe in yourself. Watch documentaries about people who have overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. Read inspirational quotes and note down the ones that strike a chord with you. Self-educate yourself about new topics, like personal finance, that will help you reach your goals.

    6. Ask for advice

    It is not a sign of weakness. Make a point to seek advice from others who have achieved goals similar to yours. Helping others and sharing advice make people feel good about themselves, and they would be happy to help.

    7. Build a healthy routine

    You need to adopt different habits to achieve different results than you were getting till now. Consider building meditation, yoga, visualization, incantations, reading, or a combination of any or all of these into your daily life. Setting a new routine will enable you to recognize your inner power and set the tone for a confidence-filled day.

    8. If you are shy or conscious, let people know.

    Many people, like me, find it difficult to follow a noisy conversation involving large groups of people. Be frank and directly convey to others that you are having difficulty. Others are more likely to invite you to join their conversation rather than leave you alone when you say so. People respect honesty and vulnerability.


    Replacing a limiting belief with an empowered one takes time and practice, but consistency will give you the desired results. Wake up feeling good about yourself, and nothing can come in between you and the world. As you believe in yourself, so you will become.

    Smita Das Jain is a Personal Empowerment Life Coach, Executive Coach, and NLP Practitioner. Smita’s ‘Empower Yourself’ Coaching Program enables people to create a career they love, find time to do all that they like, and live the life they choose. You can learn more about Smita’s ‘Empower Yourself’ Coaching Programs by visiting

  • The Importance Of Saying No For Eternal Positivity

    Being positive doesn’t mean that you should always say positive answers to everyone’s request and “order”. Being positive also means that you should severe that which affect your peace of mind. Quite often you would have come across situations where you feel that you are being taken for granted. You keep quiet. Why?Because that person is sweet to you. Or Because you don’t want to offend anyone. Result? You end up being frustrated and feeling low.

    Importance of saying no

    Learn to say NO

    Firstly, what you need to perceive is that positivity doesn’t mean positive answers. You can say a NO and still be positive because, with a simple NO, you could keep the further negative thoughts at bay.

    You bottle up the emotions, frustrations and end up burning out.

    Being there for someone is easier said than done. But if you are being there for someone who doesn’t value it, then it’s an injustice you do to yourself and your self-worth. So next time you hesitate to say a NO ask yourself because now you know the importance of saying no.

    Questions to ask yourself:

    1. Is it wrong to deny?

    ‘I can’t say no to anyone because if feel guilty.’ You might come across this line quite often or said it yourself. But have you ever asked yourself why?

    You are conditioned to behave in a certain way that you make everyone happy. Be kind, compassionate – These lines are instilled so deep that you have lost the discretion of whom to be kind and compassionate.

    You are mature enough to realize if you are being taken for granted. If you let yourself being subjected to it, whom should you blame? YOURSELF!

    2. Will it hurt anyone?

    As simple as it sounds, the question is equally tricky. If someone is there to make you feel that you hurt them, the decision to see through the pretence is up to you. Beyond this ‘victim play’ if you think logically, and still feel that your No will hurt them, you shouldn’t ent. But ‘anyone’ includes you as well.

    Will it hurt you? Will you go on a contemplative mode about ‘Why didn’t I deny? , Why can’t I deny’ Therre you go you are hurting yourself.

    3. Will it give me happiness and peace?

    Sometimes, denial is tough. But once you put your door down and take the decision, you would feel like a burden is out of your brain. This is classic situation of toxic relations – be it friendships, or relationships.

    We have grown up in country that gave birth to Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. We are brought up with the ideology that we should help others and keep ourselves as second priority. We should indeed help those who are in need not the ones who need you for their selfish needs. Recognise them and keep them at bay without guilt. This post might sound like a negative one, but trust me this is the ultimate step to eternal positivity. Hold those that value you right but keep those that use you at bay. Learn the importance of saying NO! Say it without guilt.

  • How To Identify And Eliminate Overthinking?

    Last few weeks I was facing major writer’s block. Why? Because I was stuffing my mind with useless thoughts. I used to go on a thinking spree at the drop of a hat. I continued the trip of incoherent thoughts till I realised that I was overthinking.

    How to get rid of ovethinking

    Why was I overthinking?

    I started analysing. Sadly I realised that I was straying from my self-love path. The one I carved with much effort and pain. If you have been following my self-love series, you would know how I attained. So it was time to retrace the voyage, I realised. This is how I attained it.

    Analysing the flag-off point

    You should ask yourself what your trigger is. Is it someone who talks behind your back? Could it be someone who thinks lowly about you? Are there are a cult of people who conspire against you?

    If yes is the answer, one final question. Do you care about them?  If the answer is no, why do you care? If it is yes, go to talk to them. What are you breeding doubts?

    problems of overthinking

    Identifying the pitstops

    Now that you have set out for the trip, you need to slow down and prepare to detour. Your pitstop should be when you decide and make yourself believe that, whoever it is doesn’t have the value to affect you.
    How to attain it? The answer is there in my previous post identifying the trigger.

    Way back to destination

    Now you have cut off the concern about “What he/she is talking/thinking about me.” You have been stuffing your brain for a while with these thoughts. But now there is a void left. What next? It’s time to look around and bring some positivity.
    Go and hug the one whom you love the most. It can be you kids, parents, spouses, lovers, friends or anyone for that matter. Spend a day virtually or in person.
    Fill the void with love, happiness and peace.

    Your destination

    It is a false notion that detaching yourself from everything to attain ultimate happiness. It is a faux. No one, at least no one with a family, would be happy by detachment. Attachment with self acualisation is the key. You should accept yourself as you are. Additionally, accept others as they are. If someone is condescending, to you let them be. That’s their nature and that has nothing to do about your they are expressing their grief or insecurities in a certain way.

    What you have to do about it?

    Nothing! Be yourself, love yourself, and be in your happy zone. Attain it without hurting anyone or being hurt yourself. I have already mentioned in my previous posts. Identify you trigger stay away, find your passion and embrace it. Accept yourself and others as is and don’t get affected.

    Most importantly, know your worth and nurture yourself. Becuae there is nothing in the universe that can prevent you from loving yourself. As I always say, if you cant love the sould that is with you for so many years, who else can. But, make srue you do so without hurting anyone, without being selfish. Not hurting someone doesn’t mean that you should condone victim plays. Identify the pretence. I will talk about it in the next post.


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