Showing 50 Result(s)

Puberty In Boys – Why This Shyness?

Puberty in boys is a topic that is often less prioritised as it is a slow process and there is no clear indication like periods. Moreover, in our patriarchal families, fathers refuse to discuss the topic and mothers are shy. Or used to be so! The world is growing with a brand new perspective and …

Are You Giving Space To Your Child? – Imperfect Parenting

You are a new mother. Feeling motherhood for the first time. You want the best for your child.  You make sure your kids don’t fall down, hurt themselves, not even a fever while growing up as you are doing everything perfectly for them.

They live according to the “perfect routine” you create for them. You cuddle them, kiss them, love them unconditionally.

But have you ever thought about what your child wants? They are growing up in the perfect atmosphere you created for them, that they are conditioned to think that this is what is best for them.
Your need for perfection makes them incapable of developing a perspective

How to overcome lack of libido post partum?

You will be shy to talk to others about your changes, which is conveniently termed lack of mood, lack of interest etc. You can ignore this and go on. At some stage, it would be back to normal. But that’s not the case always.

I have seen many couples drift apart right after delivery and used to wonder what changes after having baby. Now, after going through the travail myself, I know why?


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