Category: Social Issues

  • Questions that Remain About Plastic Pollution After Brahmapuram Fire

    Questions that Remain About Plastic Pollution After Brahmapuram Fire

    For the longest time, I used to take pride in being someone hailing from God’s own country – Kerala. The greenery, backwaters, beautiful flora, and fauna are like nowhere else. If Kashmir is paradise, Kerala is God’s abode. Was it really so? Was everything all right in God’s empire? I was sitting on my balcony sipping my coffee, enjoying the picturesque beauty of the land opposite my house in Kerala, when a spicy, eyewatering odor hit my nose. I didn’t have to rack my brain to know where it came from for my neighbor aunty finds an orgasmic pleasure in burning plastic behind her household.

    Two thoughts did a tug of war in my brain. Whether I should report this and see her getting penalized for Rs.25000-After all she is burning plastic and emanating cancer-causing, poison into the air risking the lives of everyone living around. While I was mulling over the smell and the effects of plastic pollution on this rare misty morning, (Thick mist is only something we get to see in the high-range areas of Kerala and here I was witnessing mist in front of my home) while I was beaming with pleasure at the sight of mist, scrolling through the phone, news popped up – Brahmapuram Fire.

    Brahmapuram Fire of Plastic Pollution

    Brahmapuram Fire – The questions that remain

    I was shell-shocked to see what surmised in the news. Several heaps, mountains to be precise, of plastic waste were burning and for a moment I was doubtful if these news folks are telecasting the old image of the Amazon forest fire. I raised my eyes from the phone and looked closely at the mist. The sight that was a beauty, the mist that was nature’s expression of love; is no longer so.

    What I witnessed was the cancerous, poisonous, suffocating smoke emerging from the fire that engulfed the plastic waste. For the next few days, the news was dominated by the visuals of monstrous fire and malicious smoke. Within no time, the repercussions set in. The helpless firefighters succumbed to the nauseous fumes. My son went down with severe wheezing and bouts of cough, my allergic sneezing was back with a bang, and everyone in the household was nauseous, breathless, and sick.

    Discussions are rife

    Soon after the news of the Brahmapuram fire came to light, the people living in the vicinity and even far started suffering the consequences. Nausea, vomiting, skin irritation, smothering cough, diarrhea – people in and around the area were facing serious health issues and the smoke was spreading. Thousands of people are exposed to dangerous smoke, containing fumes that are directly connected to cancer. It reminded me of the Bhopal Gas leak from the pages of my history book back in the day, just that this time I was about to be a part of the same, thanks to plastic pollution in all forms.

    The discussions started getting rife as to who started the fire, whether it was deliberate and why isn’t the waste management plant becoming reality. While the more we willow about the incapability of the authorities or political corruption, the more we stray away from the base reality. We dwell so much in the comfort that we fail to follow some basic steps and changes in our lives that could bring about a change in the scenario at the grass root level. We could blame the politicians and beaurocrats for what happened but we cannot deny our contribution to the heaps of plastic pollution.

    The media celebrated the news for two days and when they realized that it is not a bait to hold the fish longer, they switched to more spicy incidents while we were left behind to gasp for fresh air. How many of us would succumb to this? How many of us would end up having cancer despite leading a healthy lifestyle? Will there be anyone left behind to suffer secondary and tertiary consequences over generations? Only time holds the answer.

    How we can contribute to reducing plastic pollution?

    Here are a few basic things you can do as a responsible citizen. You might already be doing this already. If so, you can contribute by sharing this post with the ones who are not doing so. As responsible citizens, we can make these simple changes in our lives to reduce the amount of plastic that we contribute to the environment.

    Reduce plastic pollution

    1. Carry cloth bags

    Cloth bags in various forms are available these days. Be it normal cloth bags that we get from supermarkets, or the affordable bags that can be converted into a purse, keep it in your handbag or car so that you don’t have to ask for a bag every time you purchase something. Since non-biodegradable plastic is banned, we would be getting cloth bags but why create another bunch of cloth waste when we can reuse the ones we already have?

    2. Buy in loose

    Be it pulses, grains, or even curry powder, when we buy the packets from supermarkets, we are again creating a bunch of plastic waste as the covers contribute to the heap. Buy them in loose and take your cloth bags to collect them. Yes, it is strenuous, time-consuming but weigh it against the health hazards that are caused for generations and you will not shy away.

    3. Water from home

    Buy non-plastic water bottles and carry water from home. If needed you can refill the eater from restaurants if you are traveling long. This will reduce the usage of packed water and the pet bottles in which they are packed. Did you know that pet bottles are the largest contributors to carcinogenic content emanating into the atmosphere and our bodies?

    4. Don’t Litter

    However we try to reduce the usage, plastic is still being used and is unavoidable. But we can still contribute from our end by not throwing the waste and responsibly providing them to the recyclers. Now, this is one point that the Kerlaites might contest now because it is plastic that we responsibly gave away that caught fire and created serious environmental issues. Nonetheless, we have to trust the process and believe that this will not be repeated in the future.

    5. Reuse

    If you don’t trust the process of recycling you can reuse the plastic containers. There are numerous DIY ideas to reuse plastic and we can spend our free time making use of these ideas and creating items from pen stands to plant pots.

    6. Sustainable Clothing

    A little care while buying your dresses can also reduce the number of nonbiodegradable heaps. Make sustainable clothing your motto and commit to it. By sustainable clothing we just don’t mean wearing cotton, it is also an attempt to hand down, stitch, and reuse them in whichever way possible.

    These tips to reduce plastic pollution are not something that you haven’t heard of. But these are reminders because if something like the Brahmapuram fire is repeated, we could be rest assured that the quantity of the heap is kept under control.

    Image Source: 1

  • Don’t Condone These Regressive Sexist Comments! Recognize And React

    We live in a era of female rights where loud proclamations of reservations and equal pay are rife. But knowingly or not, we are still living in an era where sexist comments camouflaged as acknowledging a woman’s eminence. It is high time we grow above these vile, veiled backscratches which are sexist comments in reality and see sense.

    The subtle sexist comments:

    Benevolent sexism – My wife is so sacrificing:

    Praise a woman who shows the least self-worth as the most angelic human being, use her as an example to put down an opinionated woman. You should see sense and understand that it is a trick to make a woman pledge her individuality. The single word to this veiled trick is benevolent sexism.

    Don’t let yourself fall for this trick. It is a conditioning that has been used for centuries to make sure that a woman is discouraged from thinking about herself. By proclaiming that she keeps everyone as a priority and thus she is a goddess , they make sure that she is think twice before thiking about herself. Who would want to stop hearing those praises. This in turn conditions a woman to think that she is perfect because she is keeping herself a least priority. Hence she passes on this ideology to her next generations. Haven’t you heard ” oh! these women should bow before her. She handles the household single handedly”. When you hear this next time, just ask if she is incapable of loving herself.

    I let her do everything:

    This is an even more dangerous trend. By “letting” her they are making themselves an entitled being who has the power of approval. Why should someone let another person do this or that? Is the other person asking for this “letting” or not letting. A man who lets his wife to do what she likes is not an ideal husband. He is also yet another control freak that makes sure that she doesn’t do anything without his permission. “He will anyways permit but let me ask him” , would be the poor woman’s thought.

    Next time you hear this comment from a man or a woman for that matter, you tell that that letting or not letting is not their choice. Doing or not doing is her choice.

    He isn’t man enough to control his wife:

    This is a comment used widely especially in the Indian community. Indirectly they are condoning domestic violence by stating that a man can beat his wife to make her see sense. This line is widely used by men and women alike. Because even the women are conditioned to think that a man is responsible for controlling his wife’s actions. Why doesn’t this comment arise in the context of a woman? Isn’t the gender parity clear?

    Next time you hear this comment, tell them ” I am going to sue you for supporting domestic violence”.

    We don’t need feminism:

    The women who state this want to be treated with respect, be recognized for what they do, have an equal voice in household decisions but don’t want feminism. Because according to them feminism is a rebellion against men. Little do they know that feminism is a simple call for all these equals that they want. Feminism has been portrayed of late as a regressive term that degrades the society. Why this unawareness about such a valuable movement?

    Being a feminist, I don’t even support female reservation. Let the women be promoted based on the merits. Isn’t that the real feminism? But Alas! A bunch of pseudofeminists has blown this false notion out of proportion. Hence the name feminist brings to mind, a woman with a large bindi/nosepin with a black spectacle wearing Jute saree or kurta and is flagbearer of misandry. Why? Why should this geenration spoil the decades long fights to equality with this false notion?

    I control my husband:

    This has been a new trend to make their spouses cut ties with their friends and family in the name of woman’s right. Like a woman, a man too has the right to enjoy and have fun provided he reciprocates it. This is the continuaton of the feministic comment. We have been suppressed for the longest time but that doesn’t mean that it is time to turn the tables. A woman need not treated with respect because she is a woman. She should be respected on the basis of her character(not the submissive, self-loathing one), credibility, and capability.

    You husband is not your private property. He has the right to have his family with him, along with his friends. You too have a bunch of friends of your own and stop locking your better half behind you in the name of woman’s rights. We should see the difference between feminism and female chauvinism. We are living in an era where giving salary for domestic work are discussed but equal respect is imperative.

    Comments don’t end here:

    • Gentlemen shoul pull a chair for women – A man need not pull the chair or open the doors for a woman. She is capable of doing it.
    • Gentlemen should hold the shopping bags – A man need not hold his wife’s shopping bags
    • Gentlement should open the car doors – Car door has a knob not some unliftable weight. She can open it.
    • Ladies first – There is nothing called ladies first. Let the most capable be first.
    • Men don’t cry – Men do cry. Tear glands are not situated in the uterus that only women could use it.
    • Why don’t she go with family? – Girls can go out alone with friends. That doesn’t give anyone license to misbehave.
    • He looks like a girl – Boys can look like girls and vice versa because they are born from the union of two different genders.
    • After all you are a girl – Well does that need even an explanation?
    • I will teach you a lesson and you will rise after 9 months only –No man can teach a woman a lesson in 9 months. It is she who decides what comes out of her in 9 months. It could be mentural blood or a child. She decides.

    So from now onwards, stop letting her do it. It should be her choice, not yours. You can give an opinion as an equal partner, not an order. Stop making her see sense with your hands. After a couple of decades, the same hands might need her help to rise. We need feminism. Because feminism is equality, not misandry. Hence from now onwards let’s not silently condone these sexist comments. Be strong Love yourself. Nurture your soul.

  • LGBT History Month – How Much You Really Know?

    Motherhood is a journey. It takes immense effort, perseverance, patience and energy to be a mother. Our kids are always special for us. We want the best for them. But do we actually know what is best for them? Should we make choices for then or let them make their own choices. One of the most relevant choices that is coming into the picture of late is the choice of orientation. But we never bothered to look beyond the pride month. October is LGBTQ history month. It is not some celebration like Halloween that ends once the month ends.

    The relevance of LGBT history month:

    Many of you would have shared posts about pride month, having rainbow themes, read LGBTQ books and more. Social media was in a rage for the thirty days of the month of June. Because it was a pride month. And then? All back to square one. Did anyone’s life change with this once month of jugglery? I doubt!

    Pride month is celebrated in June in the memory of the stonewall riots of June 1969. Is that it?

    • International transgender day of visibility on March 31
    • Day of silence on April 12
    • International Day against homophobia on May 17
    • Celebrate bisexuality day and awareness week on Sep 23
    • October is the LGBT history month with October 11 as national coming out day, October 20 as spirit day, October 26 as intersex awareness day, and October 22 to 28 as asexual awareness week.
    • November 8th is intersex solidarity day and November 20 is an international transgender day of remembrance.

    How many of you knew about these? I didn’t know till I prepared this post. Supporting LGBTQ has come down to show in social media that ends once the show ends. What about the message you deliver in your family? How are you making your child aware of these?

    Let you child know about gender neutrality:

    After you do our virtual elocution in social media, you come home and see your son wearing nail polish, and his sister’s dress. You tell him “son, these are girls dresses. Why don’t you wear some boys dress?”

    You are telling him implicitly that it is not done to be different. Aren’t you? Have you ever thought of your creation if your child takes the courage to come out? If you are matured enough to take it in the stride, you have the right to talk about LGBTQ and their rights.

    If you are someone who thinks that LGBTQ should have their rights but my child must be straight, then spare us the drama. Talk about something else. Because for a huge mass of people all these are not mere social media tactics. It’s their life. It’s their fight to justice. Respect that.

    Before badgering celebrities for their homophobic comments, think if you would be able to accept a homosexual human being in your family.

    Read More Books That Make You Aware:

    If you are not really aware of what it is and just pretending to be a supporter, read more books on this theme. Refer the pic to see the books that I recommend.

  • Lockdown and housewives

    Housewives is an outdated term. More fancy word would be homemaker though the life they live is just the same. It might have improved over the period of time due to the upsurge of electronic equipments and facilities. But does their life change? I have been mulling over this topic for sometime when my daughter told me that she wanted to be a homemaker and somehow I was not happy. There is no other better time for this post as it is lockdown and everyone is having a chance to have a first hand witnessing experience of a homemaker’s life. Atleast 60% of the judgemental world, which include men and working women, would understand that “simply sitting at home” is not easy, that lack of social life is frustrating, that living a life of a proverbial frog in the well is humiliating, being called jobless is unfair and holding it together amidst judgement is disheartening.

    Coincidentally, I watched two women centric movies back to back. They are more homemaker centric. Panga and Thappad. This is not a review of the movies but they need to be referred here so as to put forward the point.

    Thappad and Panga. photo courtesy,

    The life portrayed and the message conveyed by the movies are similiar like the actresses who have stark similarity in their looks. While Panga sketches the life of an ex Kabaddi player who left her passion to take care of her son, Thappad tells the life of a woman who left her passion for dance to take care of her husband and mother in law. While Kangana’s character did all household jobs and managed her railway job, she is blessed with a husband who takes care of her and understands her. But Thappad is a whole different tale on that front. I might be the only woman who opposes the message conveyed by the movie.

    While I second the argument that slapping is not done in a relationship, a slap being counted as a reason for divorce is immature. Nonetheless the screenplay justifies the protagonist’s actions by developing the circumstances where her husband is proved at fault. I wonder why the movie was promoted as a mere message against slap. From my perspective, Taapsee’s character is unjustifiable from the moment she decided to be a mere homemaker just because her mother told her to be. In the current scenario keeping one’s desires aside and brushing it under the carpet is not so done. If one should take home anything from the movie, that’s the message that never compromise on your passion.

    While Kangana’s character in Panga has all the right reasons to choose her family over her passion and later go back to her life. Taapsee’s character is shrunk down to a name sake feminist, for the sake of being tagged a feministic movie. All the male characters expect Taapsee’s father are chauvinists in the movie.

    Now, coming to our real life homemakers. The message one should take home is not that a single slap should end up in divorce. Communicate well with your spouse but don’t be silent to domestic, emotional and psychological abuse. Realise them and work on them.

    Girls, there is nothing wrong to be a homemaker. Being a homemaker doesn’t make you jobless. Find your passion. Pursue it. Use this lockdown to prove that you’re not “simply sitting at home”. Let this be a blessing in disguise. Let’s see more passionate home makers after the lockdown. Identify your passion and develop it.

  • Does Human Rights Apply to Ogres?

    Human rights commission enquiring the Hyderabad encounter. What a fast delivery of justice and human rights. Those four poor souls were denied human rights it seems. An eye for an eye makes the world blind! If the sight means seeing a woman as an object irrespective of age, a blind world is better.

    To the ones who make a hue and cry about the injustice and inappropriateness of the Hyderabad encounter, let me put forth a few scenarios.

    While in a crowd if we by mistake touch or bump against a stranger how uncomfortable we feel? I am not telling about any molestation or groping. Just a coincidental confrontation.

    While sitting in a room or travelling in a cab, if the other person has the smell of sweat, how repugnant it feels? The poor guy or girl would have been toiling the whole day but that doesn’t change the discomfort we feel.
    If someone near us burp or fart we feel nauseated. The whole day we think about how bad an experience it was.
    If we talk to someone with bad breath we try to end the conversation or keep maximum distance to avoid the unpleasantness. If we take a room or go to a place with mosquitoes or lack of hygeine we crib to no end about the bad experience.

    These are the situations we would find uncomfortable yet try to avoid. Here we are talking about a woman who had to lie naked amidst the bushes infested with rats and what all reptiles. Her body was laid bare to four people who were drunk and waiting for her for hours. She had to bear the body odour and mouth odour and sweat while her whole body was touched and violated and her vagina was spurted with semen of four ogres who doesn’t even deserve animal rights let alone human rights. They raped her till her last breath. While fighting for life, she was not given artificial oxygen, or safety of a hospital but lying naked on the floor. If that was not enough, they burned her body.

    See yourself there and then say that you want them alive and face the law which never delivers justice to the rape victims.

    In Unnao, the historic decision was taken to give job to the girl’s sister. Wow! When needed these bastards refused to give protection that she badly needed and now running around to hide their faces by giving her sister a job? So much for fighting for justice. This is the justice you want them to wait for?

    If looked deeply, Kerala police is far better. Even a year later they are giving police protection to the historic woman who fought with the family and the whole world to deliver justice to the women’s race by entering the Sabarimala temple. What if she never even moved a finger against any other atrocities towards women? Still she is given police protection!!!!!!

    More stories of gang rape and henious murders post rape by pouring acid and setting the women ablaze because they complained or they could complain. And people are still concerned about their human rights and justice and law.

    As it is India is a land of female foeticide. The situation had started changing post strict rules and awareness. We were thinking about a world where girls could roam around freely. My mother thought my generation would get the luxury. I thought my daughter would. But now things are going downhill. Those days are not far when people choose to not have a girl child in the fear that she might get raped.

    Disclaimer: This is not a post to get likes and shares . This the rant of a mother, woman who is scared of looking into the future, who is helpless and realizes that any amount of protests, petitions and rebellion wouldn’t work to deliver justice.

  • When will our daughters be safe?

    We have seen several cases of lynching in the name of religion, community, politics. A man who stole food was beaten to death and there was a viral voice recording supporting the act. But till now there has not been a single case reported about lynching a bloody rapist. Why is that so?

    There has been a lot of hue and cry about how movies like Kabir Singh, Drishyam etc have negatively influenced our youth. But why hasn’t movies like Janakan, Lipstick, Theevram, 22FK Amar Akbar Antony, I spit on your grave, Kill the rapist, influenced anyone? How many Rape revenge movies are out there. Didn’t any one get influenced?

    The masses including you and me are just selfish. We fight to share social media posts about how ruthless the rapists are, how they deserve death, and we end up being nothing but ARMCHAIR ACTVISTS.

    If given a chance, will you forget your family and kids and join hands to meet up and plan to lynch these worms to death?

    We have seen numerous suicide cases and murder cases. If you have decided to end your life or someone’s life for that matter, why not end these bastards along with that.

    I am telling you to do this because I am not able to do this. I am so busy taking care of my family and sharing social media posts about how cruel this world is. I am waiting for a castration law to be implemented. Till then I will ask my daughter to live the life of fear. Because the safety of our daughters is someone else’s responsibility.

    This will never end. Better keep your daughters under your wings. Don’t let them fly. Don’t give them freedom to live because rapists are out on loose no matter what.

    Tell your kids about Good Touch and Bad Touch

    No hashtags and no more social media posts. What’s the point?


    The following is a snapshot from the Science Olympiad text that was provided to my six year old son.

    Notwithstanding the religion that we belong to, we have always gone to temples and churches and never taught anything related to religion to my kids. I wanted them to learn and embrace the belief that they could associate themselves with. Though we used to fill the forms as Hindu, Nair, we never taught anything regarding this to our kids as we didn’t want to categorize their friends as Hindu, Muslims or Christians .

    But when I started teaching my son for the Science Olympiad, I was shocked to see this question. Why is it necessary to include religion in academics and distinguish it to the kids as Hindus go to temples, Muslims go to mosques. Weren’t the blood sheds till date not enough?

    At age of six, why is it important that they should learn about religions? They have years of their lives ahead to differentiate each other in the name of religion or may be fight over it. But why now? Why does a competitive exam for kids ask them about religion?

    My son who has never bothered about his friends’ religion started asking me why we are going to churches when we are Hindus! With the undue inclusion of religion in academics, even the kids who never bothered about the religions started thinking of it.

    Am I reading too much into it, is what I was wondering. Share your opinions too. I will maybe get a different perspective on this.

  • Onam- The Secular Festival of Kerala

    Onam is the festival of Kerala. This is one festival that is celebrated by everyone irrespective of their religion. A lot has been written by the festival of Onam but in the current scenario all remains nothing but nostalgia. Hence to let the current generation know, I am planning to do a series on Onam festival starting from Atham till Thiruvonam for the next 10 days.

    Atham is the first day of Onam. On this day the celebrations start from Thripunithura where the Athachamayam procession takes place. It is a musical and artistic extravaganza. Thousands of performers from all over Kerala together give a memorable experience to the viewers. A few glimpses of the Athachamayam this year follows.

    A procession by the Excise department as an awareness against all sorts of narcotic drugs.

    Symbolises the hunter and tiger act on the Onam day

    On the first day, the flower carpet a.k.a pookalam is devoid of flowers, contrary to the general belief. On Atham day the area of the courtyard where the flower carpet is to be placed will be smeared with cowdung. A cowdung ball will be placed in the center. A stalk of Thumba( Leucas zeylanica ) , Mukooty ( Biophytum sensitivum, also known as little tree plant ) and Tulsi (Basil) all with the flowers will be plunged to the cowdung ball. No other flowers would be placed on the first day

    The 10 days of Onam is a cleansing process for the #mind of the people of Kerala. More about the festival comes in the following days

    That’s it for the first day. Will meet you all for on the second day. ie. Chithira

    I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa. Writing hashtag is #scrutiny and reading hashtag is #mind

  • Smriti Irani- A case of real feminism

    Till sometime back she was called Tulsi Maa, a tribute to a character she played for more than 10 years. When she contested elections for the first time, everyone underestimated her saying she is a mere daily sop actress. The insult she had to endure during the national Film award distribution would not yet be forgotten.

    Image courtesy-

    On a non- political analysis, Smriti Irani’s victory is a quintessential case study of hardwork, determination, perseverance and faith.

    While crying for reservation, each woman should realise how this ordinary woman has grown to the Grand Slayer in Indian politics where strongest women, with a few exceptions of Sushma Swaraj, Brinda Karat etc are backed by nepotism. On a deep study we could clearly say that she is the real feminist.

    She ensured that a woman is equal to any man with her credentials.

    During the national Film awards, when a group of artists acted as mere puppets in the political jugglery and refused to receive the award from her and the so called feminists or rather pseudo feminists too joined hands with them, they would not have imagined that she would grow to this level. I used to wonder why even the women who claim themselves as feminists too decided not to receive the award from her.

    She is the quintessential example of what feminism is. This is male-female equality. No matter which party she belongs to, the message she delivered with the victory is huge. The level of confidence she could instil in women is unparalleled. She made me proud to be a woman.

    She stood her ground, and challenged the lion in his own den and came out as the queen of the jungle.

    Her victory could not be belittled by giving it the name of Modi wave because if that’s the reason, she would have won last time also. It is her attitude towards common people, her efforts in spending time with the masses without reserving it to elections and her aura of womanhood that worked.

    Till now only Jayalalitha could have the power to rise from the ashes. Now one more name in the list. While the rest of the gigantic women leaders barring a few misused their power to reinstate their power, she became the soft spoken woman without much antics.

    She is surprisingly simple and still powerful.

    This post has no political indulgence and nothing to do with the party she represents. This is an ideal case study of the real feminism. The one that I have been talking about all the while. Let’s not talk about reservation. Let the women be emotionally and intellectually strong and the same time retain the palpable motherly instincts.

    Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

  • The Zest for life?

    Suicide of students due to whatsoever reasons has been hot topic for social media, politicians and students themselves. Their pain and emotional trauma is objectified to a point where their photographs are hung at every nook and corner and discussions, debates and war cries to punish the culprits take place in areas pragmatically unaffected. A hero takes birth. Yes, their traumatic experience which led to a depression is perspicuous. Steps need to be taken to punish those who turned a blind eye on these students’ grievances but what will we gain if we glorify their act as a heroism. Notwithstanding the reality that the issues faced by them are grave. They were subjected to blatant partisanship but we are living in a land of heroes who fought till their last breath.

    I can relate to them fully since I has been there once but life taught me a lesson to fight it or leave it. When I look back, I used to wonder what would  have been if I had given up on my life. My wonderful husband , my three precious kids, all wouldn’t have come to my life if I had ended it.  Instead of mulling over about the past let’s think about the future.

    Our kids are trained to think that suicide is heroism or for all failures suicide is an easy way out through the entertainment media; Let it be Movies, daily Sops, books or whatever media. The society tends to banish people who are involved in any scandal which forces them to assort to extreme measures. Our society is so image conscious that humanity and human values take the backseat.

    A child who has not heard ‘No’ during his childhood will not be prepared to face rejection on growing up. Why do we mollycoddle our kids so much that they end up being delicate darlings. I wouldn’t say that I’m a perfect parent but among so many imperfections, I would not want to bring up my kids as so delicate that they give up on their life.

    Instead of creating hartals that stagnate out life, conduct awareness programs. Instead of glorifying suicide as heroism, tell the kids that they were brilliant, had they fought a little more they would have been with us. Where does the word suicide come to our kid’s mind?

    A lion would not think of committing suicide if it could not defeat a prey. It fights , fights and fights till it succeeds. If solution to failure or ailments is suicide Stephen Hawkins would not have been living in this world. Not all people get everything on a golden platter. Fight till you succeed and don’t give up on your life.


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