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Happinetz Ensures Internet Safety For Kids

Increased screen time in kids has become the reason for mothers’ sleepless nights. During and after the pandemic the kids are using online learning resources more than before. It has also pulled our kids into a whirlpool of addictive virtual reality. While family time and reading time take a back seat, internet safety for kids has slithered into the minds of mothers, occupying their thoughts. There is a dilemma of not being able to monitor kids enough and at the same time, not wanting to be a prying mother when it comes to internet usage and screen time. That’s when Happinetz became the 2 a.m. friend to the mother who can share this humongous burden of guilt and helplessness.


My first attempt of #BlogchatterA-ZChallenge starts today. Since the theme is Family, everything that I write about would be invariably related to my family. For a family life to be happy and peaceful , it is important to know the alphabets. Alphabets of understanding, love, and trust. Speaking of these three the faces of two …


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