To the dying soulTo the dying soul May 28, 2020May 28, 2020| Rakhi JayashankarRakhi Jayashankar| 2 Comments | 9:51 am READ MOREREAD MORE
Baratnatyam- The indispensable part of Omnipotent Indian Classical Dances Entry-5 #HolisticWorkoutBaratnatyam- The indispensable part of Omnipotent Indian Classical Dances Entry-5 #HolisticWorkout May 28, 2020May 28, 2020| Rakhi JayashankarRakhi Jayashankar| 2 Comments | 7:35 am Indian classical dnaces are inseparable from each other. The mudras, the steps, the music- everything would be differet and yet connected. When we look deeper into it we can see READ MOREREAD MORE