Category: Relationship

  • How To Improve Relationships With Food For Love Birds

    The path to a man’s heart is through his stomach. This is a saying that has been pulled thin for maybe centuries. While the question of gender disparity arises in terms of who should cook, the fact that food lovers connect with each other better is undeniable. In any relationship, there would be certain food items that hold a special place in the hearts of both partners. But on close examination, we can surmise that there would be certain ingredients that are common in every food item that is relevant in relationships. While this is a commonly observed fact, the research on how to improve relationships with food has been going on. The conclusion of which saw the following ingredients that can be counted as food for love birds.

    Food for love birds

    Food for love birds

    Today is Valentine’s day. While you try to surprise, your partner with gifts, why don’t you try some recipe with this food for love birds ingredients?

    1. Chocolate

    Chocolate is a common choice of food for love birds. Despite not knowing the power of its ingredients, food lovers and love birds have gifted chocolate to each other. So is the power of chocolate in enhancing the mood. Serotonin and dopamine in dark chocolates improve mood. Moreover, the lack of sugar makes it the first choice of health-conscious couples.

    Food for love birds - Chocolates

    2. Strawberries

    Packed with Vitamin B and Folic acid is believed to increase sperm count in men. More than improving the feelings of love, they enhance the chances of fertility.

    Food for love birds - Strawberry

    3. Honey

    Honey is believed to increase the production of estrogen. It is also believed to improve the production of testosterone.


    4. Garlic

    Can you believe it? Yes, garlic contains allicin, which increases blood circulation and in turn improves the feelings of love. Include garlic in the food for love birds.


    5. Sed food

    Salmon and Mackarel are the two most effective seafood items that stimulate blood circulation.

    6. Lavender

    You might have heard of using lavender essential oils while bathing and as an air refresher. But have you tried edible lavender as an ingredient in food? It is one of the most effective mood boosters and the best ingredient in the food for lovebirds.

    Food for love birds- Lavender

    Food for love birds is not reserved for valentine’s day because every day, we have been spending thought of how to improve relationships. We never know we might really pave our way to the partner’s heart through food.  ‘This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva andNoor Anand Chawla.’

  • How to be a perfect mother?

    Why isn’t my child like other kids?

    Am I a failure as a mother?

    Am I too harsh? Am I too soft?

    How can I handle them?

    Why didn’t my child potty train before two?

    Why is my child a fussy eater and none of the tips I see around work?

    Some of you would have asked this question to yourself. You would have researched the parenting guides. You would have diligently followed your social media idol to see how they do it perfectly.

    But have you ever asked what makes your child different?


    Would a top-loading washing machine and front loading washing machine give the same result? Would a Samsung oven and LG oven give the same results?


    You can try to apply the parenting tips and tricks that you see around. But if they don’t work out, it’s not your fault, nor your child’s. It’s because your child is different. You should be happy that your child has an individuality.

    You would have wondered how another child remains calm and composed, while your child is unmanageable. Have you ever asked the other child’s mother how she feels about it?

    She might be wondering when her child would be active like yours.


    So don’t compare your life with the perfect lives portrayed on social media. It’s just a virtual world. Not the real one.



  • Overcoming the seven year itch


    We have all heard of the Seven year itch. Some of you might have seen the movie, many of you have experienced it. If you ask me, seven year itch is so true. Either it is some psychological magic or something related to cosmic energy. Whatever it may be I have been to one. Nothing was going right. I didn’t have the willpower to fight it through especially with the third one being so small at that point of time. I used to wonder if we were the same two human being who have come across all hurricanes for 15 years ( counting the time we dated each other). I had to overcome it. But how?

    It is my better half who taught me how. No matter what hell of a time he had at home, he used to be unfazed which I used read as an apathy towards me. Through time I realised that it is his coping up mechanism. That’s when I decided to fight it out his way.

    No matter what, don’t let anything affect you or your psyche. Consider everything as a mere passing phase. Things might seem like irreparable but through time you will be surprised to see that everything falls into place by itself. The more you remain unaffected the more it will help you overcome it.

    The reason could be anything by as long as your bond remains strong and as long as you realise that the love is still there between you two everything else will be okay by itself.

    All these are applicable only if you have situational issues. As mentioned before, if you are in an abusive relation or in a relation where there is no love and caring left, you need to give it a second thought. There is nothing wrong in that but don’t let a mere seven year itch affect it.

  • Navigate to happiness and love

    There is nothing that’s as liberating as a drive or ride with your partner. Vacations are on and we will be looking for new destinations to visit with your family.  A long drive to a cool destination with your family might sound tiring but once you set out for one, you will understand how weightless you would feel.310786_169440399797261_6779192_n

    The advantage of long drive is that you will be shut in a small space and hence you will get more time to connect with each other. Moreover, since one partner is driving the chances of both of them being indulged in phone would be less.  Another advantage is music. Most probably long drives would be accompanied with nice music. There is nothing like music. Visiting new places and meeting new people can give unprecedented relief from your frustration and stress.


    It could also be a learning experience too. We all dream of visiting different countries but very few think of exploring whole of India, which could possible only through drives as other means of transportation takes you to the destinations but the drives help you know other places as well and know new routes and new lives.

    This is applicable only if you likes to drive. If not, what is supposed to be and experience of rejuvenation might end up a nightmare.

    So, if you likes your beast unleash it and navigate to happiness.

  • Marriage, the eternal bond

    It’s said that we only marry once. But there are fortunate or unfortunate souls who had more. It’s not how many times you marry but how happy you are in a marriage that matters the most. Understanding, love, trust, fidelity, peace, freedom- There are a lot of ingredients to the recipe of marriage. The quantity of each changes in each relation and recognizing the balance is important.

    Just because you failed once doesn’t mean that you will fail again. The level of perseverance you show is important. That’s what sustains a relationship the most. The problems between people need to be discussed among themselves and solved among themselves. The moment a third person interferes the real trouble starts. Unless and until it is a professional help, it is advisable not to let anyone know your problems. The above applies to the problems that arouse due to the difference in opinion but for abusive relationships, the moment you realise you are in one, seek help, preferably legal or atleast tell your family.

    All the above is applicable only in hopeless cases. Where things could be solved with an open conversation, do that first. Live happily, peacefully and full of love.

  • Friends Like Family- #BlogchatterA2Z 2019

    We all have friends who are like a family, which we lovingly call family friends. Some of them are more than family. Quite often the husbands will be friends, wives will be friends and kids will be friends as well. But rarely, this would not be the case, wives would be friends but husbands won’t get along and vice versa. In some cases the school and collegemates try to involve their spouses in their ‘so called’ Alumini but the spouses might not be able to digest the over the top friendships. These are not rare scenarios.

    To balance between these is important. You might not like your spouse being close to their friends but as a civilized human being you ought to respect their friendship and not try to be an obstacle. The flip side is when the spouse fails to acknowledge the fact that family is family and friends not be an inevitable part of it. The thin line and balance between two assures a peaceful family life as well as everlasting friendships.

    The third scenario is breaking the bro code or the sis code- hooking up with your friend’s spouse. This is the worst case scenario. The one who is betrayed is betrayed from both sides and you end up losing both. To avoid such a scenario, it is important that you don’t forget to draw a line between friends and family. Where you feel like it is being crossed you ought act irrespective of what the others think.


  • Driving force

    Quite often we complain about our spouse’s inability to express love, deliver complements, understand what you want etc. If you are one who has these complaints, it is time for an introspection for it’s you who are being inadequate. If you feel that your partner is not expessing love, why don’t you do what you expect from them

    In every relationship, over the time the graph gets to a static. That’s when the danger bell rings. That’s where were hear terms like boring marriage. It is you who can work on it and change it. Your job is to look for and recognise the driving force in your marriage.

    It is easy to say that we have been like this for years but it is equally difficult to take and effort and change it. The driving force is recognising what your partner likes. It could be anything. There would be always one thing that you both would like. God has not made any two human beings so far apart that they have nothing in common. But identifying that commonality is important.

    To add Color and flavour to a lifeless marriage, change is imminent. The moment you are ready for that change, the relationship changes.

    So, try to find that driving force in your relationship and revive the lost Color and flavour.

  • Alphabets

    My first attempt of #BlogchatterA-ZChallenge starts today.

    Since the theme is Family, everything that I write about would be invariably related to my family. For a family life to be happy and peaceful , it is important to know the alphabets. Alphabets of understanding, love, and trust.

    Speaking of these three the faces of two lovers or spouses come to our mind. Why is it so? Why is understanding and trust reserved to lovers. Why not parents, grandparents or other relatives in our family.

    Being someone who has witnessed two families fall apart in the name of mere ego and misunderstanding and the same history repeat in the next generation, I ought to write about the alphabets of understanding between the members of the family. This need not be immediate family members. It could be the extended family as well.

    We have seen relations fall apart and the reasons we hear are as silly as ” She didn’t attend my birthday party”, ” He wished her child, not mine”, “She didn’t pick up my child first”, ” he didn’t message me personally” so on and so forth. If we read it as a blog post we will understand that it is as silly as it sounds but if we retrospect, we will realise that at some point of time, we all have been a part of this ego trip atleast once in our life.

    Why is it imperative that the other person should be the first one to take the first step to reconciliation? Why don’t we take that first step and be the bigger person. You can nourish your ego thinking that you are better since you decided to let go.

    If you have been in a tough situation with any of your family members and have reconciled with them, you know how liberating it is to hug them and squeeze out the remaining grudges if any and laugh out at the folly of doing “you did, I did” drama.

    But make sure you do it with the folks who respect what you do to keep the relation going. Some exceptions would be there, who come under the toxic personalities who are the eternal too good to be true victims. Stay away from them. The less importance you give them the better because no relation is above your self esteem.

    You have the discretion to distinguish both. Use it and stay happy.

  • My Diary

    1533469720003.jpgDiary writing has always been my habit for years. I am not sure when I started writing my thoughts out. I still have a collection of my literary blabbering. When the heat of postgraduation melted my brain, the writing habit was lost somewhere. I started keeping to myself. I was all exuberant and made a lot of friends but did not actually have that share- everything-relations with them post the college days.

    Being an emotional fool myself I have always wanted a shoulder to lean on, which made me an emotionally weak and dependent soul. This is a matter of the past.Through time I learned that washing your emotional laundry is not a good idea. However we trust someone, we cannot expect them to keep everything to themself because they will have other shoulders to lean on. They might spill our beans to someone else in a belief that the other person don’t even know us. How funny is that!! People perceive things differently. So what if they add their perception too!! This might end up in you hurting someone unintentionally.


    We all are conditioned to depend on a shoulder to shed our pains. We all need someone to share everything. Of course we have our spouses or partners but sometimes after shedding everything on to them we still feel full and in need of an outlet. End of the day we risk ourselves of being at the mercy of someone to support us and keep our secrets safe. Why are we conditioned this way? Is it necessary to have a shoulder to lean on? Can’t a human being handle their problems alone.

    I did not put the cover picture of my Facebook page as a random one.I meant each and every word of it. Books are indeed my best friends. They are my shoulders to lean on. The moment I realised the folly of sharing my worries, I reconciled with my books. Atleast they won’t tell anyone about what’s in my heart.

    Why I shared this is because I wanted to suggest you to try this out and see how lighthearted you would be after this literary shedding. You can write in any language and doesn’t need to have exemplary language and vocabulary.


  • Set your priorities straight

    Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

    Of late I have been asked if I don’t do household jobs at all. I appreciate the intrigue people have in my personal life. To curb the desire let me clarify. Yes, I don’t do much cooking, if cooking is the job they are referring to or is it room and bathroom cleaning? Or is it taking care of three kids of age two, five and seven? Why do people assume that someone who reads books is jobless. Why is reading considered as something that need to be done when you are jobless?

    Let me ask! How many hours a day do you spend in watching forwarded videos in WhatsApp?  How many hours do you spend watching the shared posts in Facebook, and Instagram? How many hours or may be minutes you spend in a beauty parlour doing facial, pedicure,manicure or just doing eyebrows? How much time do you invest in TV? How much time do you have for a day out or night out with friends? If your answer is zero to all the questions, I admit that I am jobless. If your answer is a positive number for any one question, then I would say that you are judgemental.

    Time is not a luxury. I have no time is not an excuse. We find time for doing everything that you feel you must do or you find an interest in. My interest is reading and my blog and hence I find time. But I don’t watch forwarded videos unless there is some caption which convinces me that it is worth my time. I don’t have a Facebook or Instagram account. I don’t go to parlours except  for a haircut coz by now I am convinced that no parlours could change how I look and neither helped me boost my confidence. I don’t watch TV except when there is some movie that I love ( only on weekend). Now you introspect and tell me how much time you have for reading?

    When I am teaching my kids, while they are writing, I read. They never felt that Amma is doing something else while I am studying. Before going to bed my 7 year old daughter insists on reading a story herself. All these have made a positive impact in my psyche. We are living in an era of digital burst that books are viewed as obsolete. If our mindset is this, how can we expect our kids to indulge in reading.

    Just because I am a review blogger, I don’t claim that I have read all the classics and international books. There are so many bloggers and books which are famous and I have not even heard of them. Does it make me less of are so person? Does following my passion make me jobless? I don’t think so. If you do, tell me in the comment section.



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