Rakhi Jayashankar Positivity Morning cup of positivity

Morning cup of positivity

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I have been asked why I am not updating anything in this blog. Apart from a few reviews and quotes, there have not been much happening in the arena of words. If there is a point where we try to find a balance between “me and the real me”, it was the time for me. We all have angels and demons inside us. It is our duty to decide whether we should nurture the angel or demon inside. In current scenario, being an angel alone would not provide you solace. Where needed, we need to call the demon and ask it to take over so that we could handle some situations.


One of my friends asked me why all my posts were about walking away. That’s when I realized that I have been nurturing my demon too much. Coincidentally, I came across a post about toxic personalities and toxic relations in https://www.powerofpositivity.com/ .

Positivity is a trend of the time. We have all been trying evade negativity and embrace positivity. However, we conveniently ignore or fail to see the fact that we have been subjecting ourselves to unwanted pressure trying to be positive always. In the world we live in, it is unable to walk away from negative thoughts, situations, and relations. Instead of trying to run away from negativity, we should try to let it not affect us. The realization is an answer to all our predicaments.

With this food of thought, I expect to not let negativity enter my realm of thoughts and words. Being my regular followers, you all have the right to criticize me if you feel that I am nurturing the demon there by being pessimistic. Every morning I intend to provide you a morning cup of positivity. I cannot endure that I would deliver it everyday because once in a while the demon need to be taken care lest it gets frustrated and comes out in the ferocious form.

What forced me to write this post is the book Bluemoon Day by Santhosh Sivaraj. When I got the review copy I did not expect the book to affect me so much but now I wake up with a different outlook to the whole world. Thanks Jincy Mathew for the help with some of the inputs. I would also like to thank Priyatha Anand for telling me to write about dancing in the rain and Sreelakshmi Das for suggesting the happiness club

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