There are numerous dance forms all over the world but none of them are as cosmopolitan as Hip hop. The beats, the moves and the energy of the dance form is unparallel. The dance for that was once developed my the african americans and latin americans has received world-wide recognition.
Hip hop like other dance forms has multi- benefits. The fast paced dance keeps your heart rate high and your body would need more oxygen and thereby helps in improving the cardiovascular system of yur body. Exercising with enhancing your heart rate is generally called aerobic exercise. Those bone before the 90s would understand the relevance of aerobics better as they have grown up seeing aerobic classes in TV.
While going to gym, we are often asked if we need cardio or strengthening. Nowthat cardio is done, let’s see the strengthening part or the anerobic exercise. These are mostly for the muscles especially thighs, calf, glutes and sometimes abs too. If you think this is it, you couldn’t be more wrong. The beats of the songs and music could stimulate your brain cells and plays a major role in reducing stress. In short it is a holistic workout itself.
An illustration of the hip hop is done today by Mary Reshmi. She is yet another homemaker who shows the world as to how we should make use of being a home maker to the maximum extend possible. She is an ex-teacher who has later started her youtube channel Reshmi’s Corner where she gives mathematics lessons for high school and higher secondary students. She is an yester-year university Kalathilakam who later shifted her focus from classical to hip hop. In the video illustrated below she has given a freestyle edge to hip hop and dances to a bollywood number.
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