If you have been following my FB page, you would know by now that we are doing a #HolisticWorkout Challenge where in women are sharing their workout regimes as videos.

Starting from today we will have different workout regimes showcased here in scrutiny as well as my FB page and Twitter account.
The first entry in the campaign is by Suganthi Sujay, a fitness freak homemaker. She has always been keen about fitness. Zumba and Yoga have been her favorites and Yoga takes the trophy when asked to choose between the two.
Today she is sketching the Sheershasana, one of the toughest Yogasana. What blew my mind is that she held it for two minutes. Let’s get to the video.
Since it is the headstanding posture, it helps in increasing blood flow to your eyes, and brain and thereby reduces stress. It helps in controlling your hormones and therby reduces cholesterol and also good for the diabetic patients.
Do not try this without the help of a teacher till you have mastered it. If you are under any medication you need to consult a certified yoga trainer and make sure it is good for your health