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10 Effective Tips To Stop Procrastination

Once I realized that my habit of putting things off is a hindrance to my growth, I decided to overcome it. The foray into the same led me to a whole new world of new vision and lifestyle. I am sharing with you some of the key tips to stop procrastination that I have tried in my life and came out successful.

The Ultimate Peace of Mind Quote That I Live By

We are living in a fast-moving and competitive world where living in peace would be a luxury for many. The surge of social media and the unprecedented upsurge of screentime has considerably reduced the eye-to-eye contact between couples and families at large. Result! Dissatisfaction, sadness, and the feeling of nothingness. This is what I have been going through for a while, The feeling of having nothing when you have everything. The feeling of not knowing what I want and would give me happiness. My venturing into Holistic wellness was to find an answer to this dilemma. Months of pursuance later, I identified my source of peace and happiness and have started my baby steps into it. I formulated my own ultimate peace of mind quote which I follow diligently and live by without fail.


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