All this while we were discussing about facing the problems that come our way, and dealing with them and dealing with your own mind. So, what if there are no problems in your life? Or even if you are going through the worst space, don’t you deserve a break.

Take a break from everything. Give yourself space from everything. Stay in a space of vaccum without any thoughts. Without actually thinking about how to deal with it. Just a vaccum space without anything. It is difficult to reach that space because not always does we stop thinking. Just don’t do anything but remain in that space. It gives you an idea as to how to take off from there. It will give you clarity of thoughts. It will tell you whether you should start afresh or push through it.
The more your try to remain free of thoughts, the more thoughts cloud your mind. Hence it is not possible to reach there in a day. It takes days, weeks or may be months but don’t lose heart. And once you reach there, don’t stay there forever. It is like a therapy. Practice it one step at a time.