Rakhi Jayashankar Positivity Sense the reality, don’t escape from it

Sense the reality, don’t escape from it

1531826281843We have all been escapists. Even if our intuitions try to guide us, we choose to ignore it in fear of trouble. Or we shall call it emotional inertia. Unlike what we have learned over the years, our heart has the power to sense fakeness. But we put a curtain over it for our convenience and get going like a pseudo-moralistic person. Trying to be positive doesn’t mean that we should put up with any injustice or betrayal. We are not being negative when we say no, to something that deserves a no and get lost, to someone or something that tries to pull us down. Getting rid of negative traits is only possible by getting rid of bodies that emanate negative energy. Sense it before it consumes you for if it does, your cup of positivity would turn out to be a brittle one.


2 thought on “Sense the reality, don’t escape from it”

  1. Very true! Sometimes we believe what we want to believe and ignore reality. As much as it is important to be optimistic, we should also be practical (and not tolerate betrayal).

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