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Vitamin E – Our skin deep buddy
Last week we saw the three basic steps of skin care. We saw the importance of using Sulphate and Paraben free products. Next we will see what are the components that are key in the skin care regime. While we can vouch on several vitamins and nutrients, Vitamin E and Vitamin C holds the top position. Today we will discuss my experience and a few points about vitamin E. For me, # Evion capsule is synonymous to vitamin E since I haven’t used any other vitamin E capsules yet.My first experience with Vitamin E and specifically #Evion is post engagement. I was cramming my head as to what I should do to get the glowing complexion on my wedding day. It was my friend’s sister who suggested using Vitamin E. What she suggested me was to cut open the capsule, mix it with olive oil and apply it all over the body before shower. Another was a hair care regime where in we can mix olive oil or coconut oil with vitamin E and apply to your hair before shower.
I tried it out for three months and trust me,on my wedding day, my skin was glowing! and my hair looked flawless. Post wedding, somehow this habit was inhibited and my relation with Vitamin E seemed brief, for the time being.
As you all know through my pregnancy posts, I got pregnant soon after marriage and was confined to bed. I was very troubled with the muscle cramps and since I was on strict bed rest, it was not possible for me to move my legs very fast or stand up. Those who might have gone through this turmoil can relate to this situation. That’s when I consulted my Gynecologist who in turn prescribed #Evion tablets per day. I was surprised and asked the doctor if #Evion or Vitamin E is for smooth skin. That’s when she took my class with a smiling face. It is a shameful fact that even after studying Biotechnology, I was unaware of this fact. What I learned from her and my education can be summarized below.
Apart from skin care, there are a lot of benefits of Vitamin E that we are unaware of. It balances cholesterol, fights free radicals, balances hormones, helps PMS syndrome, and helps build muscle cells. The fat soluble vitamin can be obtained from food items like sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, wheat germs, mango, avocado, tomato, kiwi, and spinach. It doesn’t mean that to make your skin look better, we should start gobbling these vegetables. We can incorporate these vegetables in your dishes, salads or even while you are having corn flakes. I used to make sure that these vegetables are included in my diet even when I was following strict weight loss diet. Even then, I try to include #Evion tablet on a thrice a week basis. Since it is a fat soluble vitamin I have my reservations on using it everyday but I take it thrice a week for sure because the food items might not provide the vitamin in the requisite amount.
I have been using Vitamin E containing skin care products like face wash, toner, moisturizer etc and if I cannot get it I mix vitamin E with my moisturizer just like how I did with olive oil.
Apart from this a unique tip that I am making use of is to add Vitamin E to the hair oil that I make at home. Here is the unique recipe that I have been using on my kid’s hair and that which provided my 6 year old daughter with flawless hair.
PS: I am planning to use this oil for myself as well.
Hair oil recipe:
Coconut oil: 250 ml
Pepper corn: 20-30
Basil Leaves: a hand ful
Aloe Vera gel : 1 Tea spoon( I use fresh aloe vera gel directly taken from the plant)
#Evion Capsule: 1 No. (cut open and the liquid is poured inside)
Heat the oil and put Pepper, basil leaves, aloe vera gel and vitamin E. The consistency of the basil leaves is the pointer to know if the oil is ready to use. Once the oil is ready the basil leaves would be crispy and becomes a powder on slight touch.
So that’s it for today. I hope you liked this post. So what are you waiting for? Go and grab your #Evion capsules from the nearest chemist and start following the skin care regime. Feel the difference and bask in glory.
To know more visit
Meanwhile if you haven’t read my previous post, please click here.
Three golden rules of skin care
Bed rest and pre-term delivery
Hello mommies out there,
Don’t sulk and frown at me. I know I left everyone half way with the pregnancy posts. Some of the expecting mothers among you might have had their babies by now. But I was trapped with the three hellions. What I understood in the past one year is that if you have a child, it’s beautiful, endearing;if you have two kids then you are handful; if you have three kids you are in chaos. If you have four kids and more, may god bless you.
So, I had left the line of posts with the cervical encirclage. We saw the two main types of encirclages. Since I had my encirclage for the first baby in my seventh month, the uterus was already expanded and the stitch was towards the end. Hence it was more painful when compared to the rest of the cases. I was on complete bedrest for good two months.There can be difference of opinion regarding the bedrest. Pregnancy is a time when we get unsolicited advice, with a lot of tips. For my bedrest as well, I got too many advices. Why are you taking rest, that too with the foot end of the bed raised! So and so doctor wouldn’t have advised bedrest, for a healthy baby a mother should walk and work, you shouldn’t have travelled so much lest this wouldn’t have happened, this and that and there and then and what not.
My dear to be mommies, the first thing you should do on getting pregnant is to shut your brain to baseless advices. Just smile and nod and forget! I had to undergo encirclage because I had incompetent cervix not because i travelled in my car. I had to remain on bedrest because I have a unicorn uterus which is too weak to carry a baby. Now, how can I convince this to the aunties and chachis and bhabhis. So, i just smiled and nodded and forgot!
However, I spent two months on bed. After 33 weeks I started having pain in the pubic area like I had during the 27th week. The NST test didn’t show any contraction and hence doctor asked me to wait. I waited for one more week and after 34 weeks the pain was unbearable and doctor decided to remove the stitch lest it would break and asked me to come for a check up after four days. On the fourth day, we went for the check up. We reached the hospital at 5 o’clock in the evening. On doing the finger test, doctor said “I think I can feel baby’s head” and asked me to go to the labour room and started induction. My father went to take necessary clothes and my mother called my husband who was only a few kilometres away from the hospital. It was 6 o clock by then. Induction started and immediately I said “I have the pushing tendency.” Doctor asked me to wait for an hour Or two since child birth takes time. But I was unable to wait and kept on compelling the doctor to do something. Finally the doctor gave up and checked my cervix and I still remember her horrified face. She started screaming “OMG!Crowning has started. Shift her to the labour table.” The sisters literally swung me near the labour table and asked me to shift. With the baby’s head stuck in my vagina, I still don’t remember how I made myself shift from the bed to the table. Doctor asked me to push. One strong push and a filthy thing flew to doctors hands. I was angry that after so much why didn’t my baby come first. In the ba`ckground I can hear the doctor yelling about suction. And suddenly I heard a shrieking sound from the filthy thing which happened to be my baby daughter and my delivery was done in twenty minutes. Offff I have goosebumps now.
The nurses, after cleaning her, wrapped her in a white towel and brought her to me. That was the most beautiful sight I have seen in my life. A little face with tiny dots in the place of eyes and a line instead of mouth and a prominent nose like a Pinocchio, just like their dad, to my dismay. This reminded me of the funny quote ” I carried you for nine months, I was in labour for fifteen hours, I couldn’t sleep properly for six months, and you came of looking like your dad.” In my case I can’t even tell that since none of my kids stayed inside my uterus for nine months and my daughter came out in twenty minutes. Nevertheless I have an edge over my sons since they put me in labour for 15 and 72 hours respectively.
I didn’t notice that doctor had applied local anaesthesia on my vaginal area and stitching the bruise that this little angel has caused. I slipped into a dreamy trance and slept.
Next post is the most debated Normal delivery Vs Cesarean. If you haven’t read my previous posts, please find the links below:
Incompetent Cervix and encirclage
The test time- TVS and Obstetric scan
Cherishing that tiny heart beat
Understanding the purple lines
Three golden rules of skin care
Beauty and skin care is now a days a cake walk for women, all thanks to the cascading blogs and YouTube videos on beauty, makeup and skin care. We all know a lot about beauty and skincare but do we all know the basic steps into skincare. Every woman know that to get rid of the age lines we must use anti-ageing cream, to get rid of dark circles, we must use under-eye cream and so on and so forth. Notwithstanding the surge of information, there are still a lot of women or rather girls who are unaware of the three basic steps of skin care. Skincare does not just end up in washing your face and smearing the skin with creams. So, what are the three basic steps that have been repeated over and over again?
Cleansing does not necessarily be wiping off the epidermis with cleansing milk. Personally I don’t prefer using cleansing milk unless it is comprised of natural ingredients. A good mild face wash would do the purpose. The face wash should preferably be sulphate free. One Sulphate free face wash which I came across is Forest Essentials face wash but it is expensive and would not be an affordable one for everyone. As you can seen in the picture below, it is Rs.1075/- for a 200ml bottle. Unfortunately I could not find any other Sulphate free face wash till now. Even the ones that come with the herbal label contains sulphate. If any of you could find one, do tell me in the comment section and I would update it with your name. While washing your face it is important to mildly massage your face in outward motion. It is important to use your finger tips and keep the pressure light lest it will provide adverse results.
Toning –
Toning is a deceptive step in daily skin care that most of us choose to skip. I tend to skip this step even now. Toning is an important step that should not be skipped since it helps in removing the remnants of oil and dirt that the cleanser has left behind. It is key to select a toner that does not contain alcohol. It balances the pH of your skin and helps to insulate the open pores. Rose water is a good toner. We can make it at home. A DIY of the same would be posted in the coming days.
Toner should neither be used like a cleanser nor like a moisturiser. It is important to know that a toner should not be rubbed into your skin. Take a cotton pad and dampen it with a toner and apply it to your face in a dabbing motion.
This step should be done right after face wash. Gently press your face with a towel to make sure that the face is free of water but still remains damp.
Moisturising is one step that majority of the women follow like a religious ritual. Most women complain about the moisturiser keeping your face sticky and oily. This is primarily because we skip the toning step. Another important step to keep in your mind is to use very little moisturiser.
Finding the right moisturiser for your face is important. The purpose of a moisturiser is to keep your skin hydrated and nourished. It is always preferable to avoid using the whitening creams available in the market. You skin might look glowing and fair on using such creams but on the long run these creams will damage your skin for good and cause irreversible damage to your skin.
So gear up from today onward, follow the three golden rules and see the difference.
Fashion, Makeup and Healthcare- New Beginning for the New Year
Hello my Scrutiny Mates. I have been on a brie hiatus from Scrutiny and have been focusing more on Outset, which again was going slow. This new year, my new resolution is to regularly update my both blogs notwithstanding the craziness all around with my four kids. The pregnancy and motherhood line will be updated soon. Along with that, I have been receiving endless requests to include a line of posts about Makeup, Healthcare, Skincare, Weight loss etc etc. While I am not a certified trainer or doctor, I would be able to make use of my Biotechnology knowledge. Apart from that I would be doing my research on whatever posts I present before you. I hope I would be able to regular with my posts and expect to receive your support through like and comments. There would be product reviews in Outset and I would be sharing the same here as well.
So, How are you all planning to begin your new year? What are your new year resolutions? Wish you all a fabulous year ahead. Keep reading my blogs and keep supporting me.
My blog is nominated in Indiblogger Awards
Hi All
Thanks for the unrelenting support being provided till date. I would like to share the latest happy news with my dear readers and followers. My blog, our blog Scrutiny is nominated in IndiBlogger awards for Parenting and Current Affairs category. Kindly Support me with your testimonials in the link shared below
Incompetent Cervix and encirclage
After six months of comparatively hassle-free and easy pregnancy, I faced the first challenge. I used to wonder why I was so lucky to be free of nausea or any pregnancy related fatigue. But I had least idea about what was in store for me. We, in Kerala have a custom called ‘Kootikondupoval’ which is equal to the ‘ Godh bharai’ or ‘Valakappu’. The preggy’s parents come to her marital home with 7 varieties of eatables on the 7th month of pregnancy and take their daughter to her parental home. I was super excited to go to my own home and relish the pampering and love of my parents. But the happiness didn’t last long.
I had been having pain in my pubic bone for the days preceding the function. But after two days, the pain was unbearable and I was taken to the hospital. On checking doctor informed me that ‘os’ are open. Now this time I didn’t have the time to go back home and Google about the OS because doctor said that I needed to be admitted and a stitch needed to be applied to my uterus in order to prevent a pre term delivery or abortion. Doctor said that I had an incompetent cervix.
Image courtesy :-
“Had you not been diagnosed at the right time, you would have lost your first born. Your cervix had a two finger opening”, said the doctor later.
Back in the hospital room, I’m engaged with the universal tutor, Google. Google told me that incompetent cervix means that my Cervical tissues are weak and that cervix begins to dilate and efface before term, and hence the pain. OS is the opening of the cervix to the uterus.Applying the stitches in the cervix to hold it closed is called encerclage.
Normally encerclage is done earlier by about 12-14 weeks of pregnancy but in my case it was 28 weeks. This is a rarity but not the first of its kind. Applying a cerclage during the late pregnancy is called emergent cerclage. The patient will be given general or epidural anaesthesia. I was given general anaesthesia for the three pregnancies. Yes, you heard it right. For the three pregnancies I had to undergo encerclage. But it is not necessary that for everyone it is so. There are mothers who underwent encerclage for the first pregnancy but had a trouble free pregnancy further. This depends on the strength of your uterus.
There are three types of encirclages. We will find the difference and furthermore in the next post .
Read the previous posts on this topic
The test time- TVS and Obstetric scan