Showing 41 Result(s)

Self-care and selfishness- #WellnessWednesday

Welcome back to Wellness Wednesday. This series is not only skincare but self care and health care also. So today I though I will go with selfcare.Caring oneself doesn’t mean that you should be selfish but it means that you should keep yourself away from whatever pulls you down. If that comes across as selfishness …

Just the women’s talk

A lot have been written about Menstruation, PMS, Hygiene, Pain etc. But a generally ignored topic is the stains post menstruation. Towards the end of the periods we might not have much bleeding just the staining would be there. For many, wasting a costly sanitary napkin for practically no bleeding would be waste of money. …

Care yourself

We have read numerous posts about caring your spouse, kids, parents, in-laws and grandparents. When it comes to care yourself we all fall short. It is like we think that caring yourself is a blasphemy. Why is it that we always feel guilty of taking care of ourselves. We have been conditioned to think that …

Bucket List

Image courtesy: We all have something to dream about. We have that one desire which will make our life accomplished. For some, it would be many. We call it “Bucket List”. You might me wondering how bucket list comes under the theme family. As mentioned in many previous blogs, I am a different kind …


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