Tag: Holistic wellness with RJ

  • Attain Emotional Wellness Through Relationship Goals

    Relationships/marriages are the eternal bonds made in heaven! I have never heard a stinkier BS. Relationships happen and sustain with an immense human effort which accompanies perseverance, adjustment, understanding, and lots of love and care. As easy as it sounds, it is equally tough to sustain a connection that begins with dopamine, develops with adrenaline, and concludes with responsibilities and economic, occupational as well as social commitments. Hence a few relationship goals could help you attain emotional wellness.
    The pandemic has seen unforeseen variations in the relationship graphs of many families – positively and vice-versa. Nonetheless, a healthy relationship and sometimes lack of it is much needed for emotional wellness. Let’s address a few points that we could take care of to rekindle the lost love or give wind to the one that’s being ignited.

    Relationship Goals

    Emotional wellness and relationship goals


    An open and unconditionally occupiable conversation is inevitable in any relationship. It could be an impromptu vacation or a drive or even a coffee date on your balcony. But the topic should be the both of you. Would you keep in mind to reserve your mutual belittling session for another time? (I’m sure there would be many of these sorts 😀)

    Have a couple journal

    A couple journal is a short notebook or a diary wherein you enter the best moments or the toughest challenges. You can read this out for each other weekly or monthly. Always make sure to give each other a little surprise in the journal. It could be as small as a rose petal or something grand.

    Relationship goals - Couple journal

    The massage time

    Give each other a massage. This need not be a coital experience. You can simply give each other a head massage or hand and foot massage. You can incorporate this during your communication sessions.

    Relationship goals - Couple Massage

    No gadgets or together gadgets

    There should be a daily ‘no-gadgets’ session in your relationship. Read books together or water plants together. You could do any hobby that both likes or take turns for each other’s passion. Also, if nothing, have your gadget together for a brief OTT session. You can also bring youe interests together like reading books near your partner while he watches his show or vice versa.


    Practice Respect

    You might not be living the same life as your parents. Respect your partner’s choice and understand that you are living in a different social setup than your parents. Never compare!

    While these are a few tips to rekindle the love and passion in your relationship, there are some relationships that are not made or mismanaged in heaven – The toxic ones. No amount of rekindling works in such traumatic situations. Take help when needed, and if no help can help, step out! Because emotional wellness is the primary goal of a relationship. If it is emotionally draining instead you know better because relationship goals don’t mean that you have to cling on to something. It also means your goal is to attain emotional wellness.

  • How To Eat Chocolate Without Gaining Weight?

    Chocolate and weight gain have been forever in wedlock. While indulging in any diet, cutting down chocolate intake has been the prime step you would always take. The high sugar content in chocolate has been counted as the reason behind this taboo has been the high sugar content in chocolate. The biting reality is that the more we try to stay away, the more these black-and-white buddies entice you to spoil your forever successful diet plan. But why? Will chocolate be forever taboo? How to eat chocolate without gaining weight?

    woman eating a balanced diet

    Eat chocolate without gaining weight

    However easy and feasible it sounds, satisfying your craving and keeping the scales in place can be a herculean task. Whatsoever this can be attained with careful planning and going about it in the right way. Let’s see how to eat chocolate without gaining weight.

    1. Moderation

    Moderation is the key to starting a healthy relationship with chocolate. Studies have proven that consuming chocolate in moderate quantities would improve your heart health. Polyphenols and catechins in chocolates help in improving your cardiovascular system. In addition, the antioxidants in chocolate improve muscular performance and reduce stress. Having said that we ought not to neglect the calorie content and possible added sugars in chocolate that could passively contribute to weight gain. A meta-analysis study on chocolate consumption and the risk of cardiovascular diseases has reached the following conclusion.

    Chocolate consumption may be associated with reduced risk of CVD at <100 g/week consumption. Higher levels may negate the health benefits and induce adverse effects associated with high sugar consumption.

    2. Choose the chocolates without added sugar

    Free melted chocolate image

    As much as the health benefits of the chocolates fit the bill for being a ‘healthy food’, high sugar content and the subsequent calorie boost make it an undesirable yet undeniable food to crave for. So how to eat chocolate without gaining weight. A solution to this dilemma is to find chocolates without sugar additives. BeeTees Melt chocolate with no refined sugar and glutens is the solution to this question. They source high-quality chocolate from the farmers in Vietnam and Kerala and they handpick the beans after tasting them. Further, these will be fermented in wooden crates with plantain leaves. They use coconut, palm, muscovado, and brown sugar for sweetness. They are also free of preservatives, hydrogenated and palm oil which makes them a perfect option for guilt-free indulgence. Get your BeeTee Melt Chocolate today and start indulging without guilt.

    3. Eat mindfully

    Distracted and emotional eating is the primary culprit in overindulgence, be it chocolate or any other high-calorie junk food. Mindful eating is the key to opening the doors of healthy and tasty indulgence. Pay attention to your chocolate, eat moment by moment, feel the taste bit by bit. This is a form of meditation when you know your senses while eating. This way you will feel satisfied with very little, feel free of the temptation, and thus keep your calorie intake in check. Just like you select the proper food to eat during quarantine, select the right chocolate and feel it when you eat it.

    4. Plan out your week

    If you are planning an eat-out and expect to have desserts that contain calories, reduce your chocolate intake for the week before to balance out the extra calories. Notwithstanding the self-imposed restrictions, you can have a piece of chocolate mindfully to avoid the stress of not eating chocolate.

    5. Count it as any other food

    Because you grew up hearing that dieting=cut down chocolate, there is a special aura of luxury to the chocolate that is ingrained in your mind. You need to break this barricade and count chocolate as any other food that you are consuming mindfully. Think of the health benefits and carefully select your chocolate. Look at the ingredients and avoid selecting the chocolates with ingredients that you cannot even pronounce.

    Next time you hear your friends or family wondering how to eat chocolate without gaining weight, turn back and send them this post. Let them also venture into healthy eating without skipping chocolate.

  • Best Detox Drinks To Clear Skin, Weight Loss, and better health.

    Best Detox Drinks To Clear Skin, Weight Loss, and better health.

    While we were discussing the best morning routine, we discussed the importance of a morning detox drink. A detox drink is not something that would magically help you in reducing your body weight. It is a cleansing method to flush out the impurities and hence the name. Let’s see the advantages of drinking detox drinks and the best detox drinks to clear skin, weight loss, and better health.

    Advantages of detox drinks:

    • Removal of toxins
    • Improves the skin
    • Helps in weight loss
    • More energy
    • Better gut health

    Best detox drinks

    The following are a few options of the best detox drinks to clear skin, weight loss, and better health curated for you.

    1. Haldi ginger tea

    The concoction of black tea with turmeric and ginger is one of the most effective drinks. It helps in improving your immunity and reducing inflammation. This cleanses your gut thereby improving your health.

    2. Giloy water

    Giloy is considered the best medicine for different ailments. This ayurvedic herb could be used in powder form or juice. Another option is to boil water with Giloy juice. Try this for fifteen days and see the difference.

    3. Warm water with lemon and honey

    This is one of the most effective and commonly used detox drinks to clear skin. The nutritional benefits of honey and Vit C content of lemon make it an ideal detox drink. There is a myth that consuming this will aid in weight loss. Merely consuming this will not help you lose weight. Top it with a healthy diet and exercise for the results.

    4. Cumin water

    Boil water with raw or roasted cumin. This is the best detox for those who are susceptible to acidity. Jeera water/cumin water is effective not only as a morning detox but as a drink throughout the day instead of plain water

    5. Green tea

    This is one of the best detox drinks that are commonly consumed. The benefits of green tea could account for yet another blog post.

    6. Cucumber-mint water

    This is a cooling concoction. Cucumber and mint are both quite effective for soothing our minds. Try this before bedtime to have a good night’s sleep.

    7. Fenugreek water

    Soak fenugreek overnight in water and drink it in the morning. You can either consume it whole or seive the fenugreek out. If you have low blood pressure, avoid this drink as it reduces BP.

    8. Sugarfree coffee

    This is a controversial topic. Many dietitians and nutritionists don’t recommend drinking coffee as they believe that caffeine might affect bowel movements. But on the other hand, another set of experts believe that it is ideal for weight loss. We fall in the latter category.

    9. Apple Cider Vinegar

    The acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar helps in increasing the metabolism thus enabling weightloss. In addition the detox properties of ACV aid in maintaining better health.

    10. Chia seeds cinnamon water

    This is my latest obsession. Put a stick of cinnamon in boiling water. Turn off the heat and put some chia seeds. Squeeze a lemon over it and drink it before going to bed or as a wake-up drink. This is a magical concoction. You can also soak chia seeds in plain water overnight and drink it in the morning. This is particularly helpful if you are following an intermittent fasting routine,

    Bonus drink

    Apart from these magical drinks, there is one more bonus drink. Aloe vera juice. Take 30ml of concentrated aloe vera juice and mix it with 250 ml of water. Drink this on empty stomach. This is a marvelous health detox drink.

    Apart from these, we can also opt for drinking stomach full of plain water. This is the easiest and one of the best detox drinks to clear skin, weight loss, and health. Nonetheless don’t wait for the magic to happen by simply drinking this. You have to follow a proper diet and workout routine alongside.

  • How To Turn Pain Into Positivity?

    Pain is fearsome, be it physical or emotional. None of us want to deal with it because we believe that we are not capable of dealing with it. As a result, we try to keep ourselves busy and distracted so that we don’t have to think about the hurt it causes. As a result, the core source of the pain remains unattended and it remains sore. So, what should we do to enable us to deal with it? How to turn pain into positivity?

    Turn pain into positivity

    Turn pain into positivity:

    There have been instances in my past when I have questioned my self-worth, questioned my choices, and succumbed to emotional hurt. Every time I tried to push it down the sewage by keeping myself busy and not letting myself think of it. It helps in a short-term relief but once the trigger is back, I am back to square 1. This was like a hamster loop which I struggled to come out of. Finally, I found the magical formula. Here is how to turn your pain into positivity.

    How to turn pain into positivity

    1. Deal with the source of pain

    If you are suffering from physical pain you can have several analgesics but emotional pain needs to be dealt with in a deeper perspective. Deal with it. Never try to stop thinking of it because the more you do, the more you get sucked into the whirlpool. The best way is to let yourself feel the emotions. Be with yourself and try to find out the triggers that give you the pain. If you are unable to think straight to find your trigger, never fail to take help.

    2. Find similar souls

    Turn pain into positivity

    If we step out of India we can find numerous anonymous groups which help bring people with similar experiences together. Unfortunately, Indian society is still closed and has its window sealed towards opening up. Have you ever wondered why a common enemy binds you stronger than a common friend? Because in such cases you share the pain. Similarly finding people who share the pain. Make sure not to fall into any traps in this process.

    3. Journal your feelings


    Feelings have a strange way of getting mutated once laid out. Journaling your thoughts have the same effect as sharing it with someone. You can see for yourself how you are dealing with your feelings the right way. Do not try to have a structure for this. You are not writing a blog post or a book. You are sharing your feelings with yourself. It is your mirror. If you lost someone, tell them how much they mean to you. Tell how you could let yourself deal with the loss. You can be your counselor.

    4. Explore your passion

    You might be good at something. Reading, writing, singing, gardening, drawing, cooking, or even cleaning your house. Try to find creative ways in doing what you love the most. For me, my blog was the outlet but at some point it became stagnant and I could not think and write. I took a break and did nothing for one month. I took multiple breaks from my social media just to make me figure it out. Now I have the answer to the questions. Once I am back I redesigned my blog, started doing digital marketing for budding women entrepreneurs. These and a few more ventures are in place and I am back with a bang. There are several surprises coming up. They will be shared soon…

    5. Meditate and exercise

    Turn pain into positivity - meditate

    Meditation and exercise are all healers. They have the power of controlling letting yourself controlling your mind in ways that you have never expected. Start meditating and exercising.

    6. Analyse your weekly progress

    Check your progress every week and see how much you have progressed from where you started. You will be surprised to see a new you smiling. But no! don’t give up, keep on trying and continue what you have been doing.

    What more to say, you have learned to turn your pain into positivity. If despite all this you are not able to help yourself, never hesitate to take help because talking help is the best gift you can give yourself at times ultimate peace of mind. Till we meet next time stay happy stay positive.

  • Busting Myths About Your Morning Routine Work

    Before we proceed, I have good news to share with everyone. Holistic wellness with RJ has been selected among the Top 50 Lifestyle Blogs and Top 100 Health blogs by Feedspot. A day well begun is the most productive. Well, it is not a proverb by this is something that I truly believe in. If the beginning of your day is well, the whole day goes well. Due to the same reason, I lose my cool when my kids fight in the morning. Morning time must be calm and peaceful or so I believe. My quest of having a peaceful day and morning in specific led to my ultimate morning routine for wellness. But there are some myths about your morning routine work, that you might have been following without knowing the real fact. Hence breaking the myth for you.

    Morning routine work

    Busting the myths about morning routine work

    The morning routine work is something that we all would like to figure out but the myths surrounding the same are many. Addressing for of these on for our readers.

    1. Keeping the morning alarm out of reach helps in waking better

    While sleeping your body is relaxed, blood circulation is steady and at reduced levels. If you keep the alarm at a distance, you will have to rush out of bed to turn it off, which fails the whole purpose of the morning routine. The sudden variation in the blood flow is not advisable. This might make you light-headed. Moreover, your back muscles would be stiff with long hours of sleep. A sudden jerk will tamper them and you might end up having chronic heart pain

    2. Drinking warm water with lemon helps you in losing weight

    Morning routine work - lemon water

    This has been the most common myth about the morning routine that you might have believed and followed. This is no doubt a detox drink that helps you in flushing out the impurities that would have settled in your body and it is an anti-oxidant. But it doesn’t help you in losing weight. To lose weight regular and controlled diet and exercise are a must. Have the drink as a detox but don’t drink it and wait to lose weight magically.

    3. Working out in the morning is more effective

    Morning routine work - working out

    The effective time of workout largely depends on you. The advantage of a morning routine workout is considered to be that it helps in creating a better routine when you wake up early. But if you are waking up from deep sleep, you might feel lethargic and might be running out of fuel. Evening workout has proven to have the advantage of better endurance. Hence the effectiveness of the workout largely depends on your sleeping pattern and your daily routine.

    4. You must have a heavy breakfast

    Heavy breakfast

    Being a health and nutrition life coach I have always insisted that the clients should not skip their breakfast, no matter what. But that doesn’t mean that the breakfast should be heavy. The breakfast should be healthy with the right mix of Carbs-protein. Unless you are leading an active routine, you need not have a heavy breakfast. But yes, having breakfast on time is necessary.

    It doesn’t mean that following this routine is wrong. But the reasons and explanations that you have been hearing are wrong. Have the right morning routine work for yourself according to your daily routine and work. Stay happy, Stay well!

    I am taking my blog to next level with the  Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa campaign.

  • The Ultimate Peace of Mind Quote That I Live By

    We are living in a fast-moving and competitive world where living in peace would be a luxury for many. The surge of social media and the unprecedented upsurge of screentime has considerably reduced the eye-to-eye contact between couples and families at large. Result! Dissatisfaction, sadness, and the feeling of nothingness. This is what I have been going through for a while, The feeling of having nothing when you have everything. The feeling of not knowing what I want and would give me happiness. My venturing into Holistic wellness was to find an answer to this dilemma. Months of pursuance later, I identified my source of peace and happiness and have started my baby steps into it. I formulated my own ultimate peace of mind quote which I follow diligently and live by without fail.

    Being happy

    My ultimate peace of mind quote

    So, I was trying to figure out my triggers. There were too many but identifying them was my first step of success. Now I have to eliminate my trigger and identify that which pushes me through. That was my mantra of peace. My own peace of mind quote.

    Morning coffee, soothing music, sweet nothings with kids, yoga, meditation, my lavender oil, movie time with my partner, reading, writing to the soul’s satisfaction, watching the beauty of nature – I found my source of peace in silliest things and I learned that it is so easy to be happy.

    These are my powerhouses.

    Morning coffee

    Peace of mind quote - Morning coffee

    Coffee and caffeine have always been blamed for spoiled sleep, deteriorating energy, hyper activeness in kids. But of late even scientists are in two minds about the authenticity of these findings. Let me tell you my experience. When I was attending the Health Coach certification course, I was apprehensive about whether I would be able to live up to it as my belief that certain food items that were blamed to be bad, were indeed good, would receive a setback. But SURPRISE! The academy where I took certification from, strongly believed in what others don’t believe. Surprisingly, for me, they concurred with my belief that coconut oil is not bad for health. Likewise, coffee is also not to blame.

    I have been regularly having sugarless black coffee for two years and the level of calmness that it gave me is unbelievable

    Don’t ask me the reason. Because genuinely I don’t know nor do the scores of scientists around the world.

    Music Therapy

    Music is therapeutic. There is no argument but the kind of music that could give you peace could be different. Know what gives you immense happiness and choose the music that goes with it. For me, it is the slokas and mantras. It could be some soothing music or rock music or folks songs. Listening to what you like is indeed therapy.

    Quality time with kids

    I am not someone who falls under the “perfect mother” category. I don’t create specific activities, educational or entertainment. Well, with three kids of 2-3 years age difference the need for quality time with mother is menial, or so I believe, Nonetheless, I have my time with my kids when I play ‘stone, paper, scissors, watch Blackpink videos’ or any such seemingly stupid activities for I am a mother who has not grown beyond a teenager when it comes to my kids. I fight with them for ice creams too!

    My quality time with kids are punctuated by the silly games and not the quality that you might visualise

    But yours could be different and I respect that just like you would mine. And thus, this silly time becomes a part of my therapy and becomes an important part of my peace of mind quote.

    Yoga and meditation

    Being a certified Yoga instructor and a Yoga enthusiast, Yoga is my definition of prayer. I don’t do it for weight loss. My Yoga journey is the extension of my Holistic Wellness journey. While I hold each poses I have a vision that I hold strong in mind. Amidst the ruckus created by kids, I created a mansion of peace. While meditating I used to alternate ‘Om Chanting’ and the Buddhist chant ‘Nam Yoho Renge Kyo’. If you don’t want the religious connotation, you can chat ‘aaaa’ as in Hindi ‘oooooh’ and ‘maaaa’ which resonates the same way. Meditation is naturally a part of any peace of mind quote that you come across for the amount of calmness that it provides.

    Lavender oil

    You might have seen the funny Whatsapp where a mother is lying down on a bed of lavender to relieve her stress. Jokes apart, lavender indeed has therapeutic power. Aromatherapy being an inherent part of my wellness sessions, I am applying this myself in my life. I put one or two drops of lavender essential oil in my body wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotions, and everything.

    If you want to try this yourself, the buying link is given above or if you have a brand preference, you can buy the Juicy Chemistry Lavender Oil from Woovly and avail 25% discount by using the code RAKHI 25.


    Movie/ webseries time with my partner

    Peace of mind quotes - Movie time

    If Netflix and Prime video have spoiled relations and aggravated the screen time, it has brought me closer to my husband. We watched numerous movies and web series together. When our tastes don’t match, I would sit with him reading while he would watch. Whatsoever the one hour of proximity was never compromised and it worked wonders in our relationship and my peace and wellness. I had written about this earlier in my post How to overcome libido postpartum.

    Reading and writing

    Reading and writing were reserved to the last part of my peace of mind quote but the therapeutic effect they have on me is primary. I can ignore everything to read and write and still be happy. When my reading and writing took a back seat, unknowingly I was falling into a pit of despair. Slowly I got back into my writing and believe that I would be able to pursue it consistently.

    Nature therapy

    Nature therapy

    Nature has an unfathomable influence on my mind. Maybe because of growing up amidst the greenery, I never realized how special it was and how lucky I was to have the ultimate peace mantra around me, day in day out. The moment I realized it, I started indulging in the green bed of happiness and the colorful butterflies and musical birds that adorn our lives.

    All these are more contributed to my wellness journey. It doesn’t mean that I never felt angry or sad. I did but whenever I felt so, I knew in my heart that it is not permanent. Living by my own ultimate peace of mind quote has redefined my journey of life and in turn, changed my family as well. More on it coming soon.

  • Why Should We Wakeup by The Right Side in the Morning?

    In the last post, we saw the morning routine for holistic wellness. Now you know what to do after waking up but do you know how to wake up. Or, precisely speaking which side to wake up? You might know that you should wake up by the right side. But do you know why the right side is considered ‘the right side’?

    Which side to wake up in the morning and why?

    It is advisable to wake up on the right side in the morning. This is because the right side is the most stable and hence probably considered right as per various religious beliefs or probably called right. Apart from these, there are several scientific reasons behind this belief.

    Yoga beliefs

    Photo by Alexy Almond on Pexels.com

    Yoga gurus strongly believe that the right side of the body emanates energy. The right side indicates sun in Hatha Yoga which in turn indicates strength and positive energy. Thus it is believed that waking up by the right side energizes your body.

    The pingala nadi that corresponds to the sun’s power is situated on the right side of the body. Hence waking up through the right side of the body activates the Pingala Nadi and hence energizes your body.

    Pingala Nadi

    Pingala Nadi is where our pranic energy originates from. Panic energy is the life force/prana. It is also called sun nadi because it represents solar energy. It passes through the seven chakras of our body. The free-flowing energy of the Pingala Nadi enables us to do physical exercise as it provides us immense energy. Hence waking up by the right side of the brain helps in the free flow of energy through the body as the Pingala Nadi is activated.

    To know more, one should learn about panic energy and the chakras of the body.

    In simple language, why should we wake up by the right side?

    In simple language, it can be explained as there are two magnetic fields in our body. One that passes through the left and one through the right. The magnetic field that passes through the right side of the body helps In providing the energy.

    In short, the explanations could be yogic, ayurvedic, or scientific, it has been proven that waking up by the right side of the body provides you with energy in the morning that helps you in performing your daily activities effectively and energizes your brain as well. For more updates, keep following us. You can stalk me on Instagram and Facebook. Next week when we meet we have lots to talk to, rakhi is coming up, friendship day alongside, and breastfeeding awareness week is coming. So stay tuned for more.


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